Wednesday 21 November 2007

Blog Entry 9- seeing through the reality- CHILDREN!

At Nagao Kindergarden, 13th Nov..

These nursery school kids all have different looks, thoughts, behavior and reaction to the camera! I really appreciate these kinds of opportunities that allow me to see and be with Japanese people from all different age groups. Certainly they offer me different experiences and lessons within the same culture.

Earlier this semester, I have written and posted pics that were similar to this, relating to my first encounter with kindergarden and kids. I like kids in general, but especially I love getting them in my photographs because they are see-through, not to mention in the photos but even in reality. However I was able to find significant changes in the pics throughout the course of the time. Despite of my personal attachment to some kids and of the differences in places and times, I had those kids right in front of my camera this time, giving away a sense of being and sharing the moment together at that time by this action of photographing them. Each presented me with different, (but realistic in all) poses and expressions, whether the pics were taken noticed or not.

p.s I was not able to ask their parents if it was ok for me to use these pics of their children for my blog, but I guess as soon as this project is over, I might have to delete them and it might be ok this way..?! gomenasai!!

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